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Café purchase 'exciting' for Moeraki Rūnanga

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Staff Reporter

02 April 2024, 8:38 PM

Café purchase 'exciting' for Moeraki Rūnanga  Buying the Moeraki Boulders Restaurant appealed to Moeraki Limited, as it sits above its taonga Te Kaihinaki (Moeraki Boulders). Photo: Supplied/Waitaki Whitestone Geopark

The Moeraki Boulders Restaurant and Gift Shop is changing hands.


Investment company Moeraki Limited, owned by Te Rūnanga o Moeraki, has bought the business and will take over on Friday (April 5).

Moeraki Ltd Chair Trevor McGlinchey says the business “appealed as an investment because it sits above our taonga, Te Kaihinaki (Moeraki Boulders)”.


“It’s exciting, both culturally and commercially,” he says.


“It will enable us to deepen the connection between the boulders and mana whenua and empower us to share our stories. We’re growing our cultural footprint within our takiwā.”


This will be Moeraki Ltd’s first active business purchase since it was established in 2002, and focusing on investment.


Vicki Waaka, who was the co-owner and head chef at the award-winning Nosh Café in Ashburton, will manage the business, while the current owners will stay on for four months to support the transition.


She is excited about starting a new project and looking forward to refurbishing the space to reflect the cultural significance of the place.


“We want it to accentuate Moeraki manaakitanga and provide opportunities for Moeraki whānau,” she says.


Kaiwhakahaere of Te Rūnanga o Moeraki and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Justin Tipa, is excited about the purchase.


“Having the place owned and operated by Moeraki Ltd means the stories of mana whenua will naturally emerge,” he says.