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Our top picks for this weekend.

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Staff Reporter

07 July 2023, 12:47 AM

Our top picks for this weekend.

What's happening this weekend? Ice swimming in St Bathans apparently. But if you'd like something a little warmer, out top picks are below.

Ōamaru Opera House - Friday and Saturday

School of Rock from Musical Theatre Ōamaru. Word on the street since Wednesday's opening night is that this is a must-see, awesome show! Tickets are still available. Musical Theatre Oamaru - School of Rock

Scotts Brewery Co - Saturday

Kold Kranking Amps live from 8pm. Kold Kranking Amps @ Scotts Brewing Co


Southern Zone Rugby League - Sunday

Ōamaru is host to the boys' league competition this weekend (the girls' was last weekend). Teams from all over the South Island are in town. Rugby league tournaments coming to town