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New year, new Kiwis

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Staff Reporter

21 February 2024, 9:03 PM

New year, new KiwisWaitaki gained some new New Zealanders on Tuesday in the year's first Citizenship Ceremony. Photo: Supplied

Waitaki welcomed 14 new New Zealand citizens at a ceremony on Tuesday this week.

Hailing from The Phillipines, South Africa, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Ukraine, India and Malaysia – the first citizenship ceremony of 2024 highlighted the diversity of our region.

Students from Ōamaru Intermediate School’s Pasifika group welcomed the new citizens and their families and friends with waiata.

The ceremony was led by Waitaki Mayor Gary Kircher and Deputy Mayor Hana Halalele, who were assisted by Waitaki District Councillors Jim Hopkins, John McCone and Rebecca Ryan.

The new citizens took an oath or affirmation of allegiance, and were presented with a citizenship pack and a native hebe plant.

A welcome video from Governor General Dame Cindy Kiro was screened, before the intermediate pupils and those present sang the national anthem.

“These ceremonies are truly special occasions and it’s a huge privilege to be part of such a significant time in people’s lives,” Gary said.

“I’m proud to show just how welcoming our country is to those who come to live here. Choosing to become a New Zealand citizen is something we should all celebrate.”

An afternoon tea completed the welcome for the new Kiwis.

The new citizens are: Rica Oblad Esdrelon, Curtney Mari Oblad Esdrelon, Conrad Mari Oblad Esdrelon, and Marvin Gurrea Esdrelon (Phillipines), Michael Glen Kaiser, Erica Jane Kaiser and Peter Wolfgang Kaiser (South Africa), Gerardus Petrus Johannes Levering (Netherlands); Shannon Lee Purcell (United Kingdom); Tanya Melissa Ribbens (Belgium); Alice Rebecca Sandlermann (Ukraine), Dinesh Sreekumar and Sneha Soman (India), and Jeriel Chenhui Tee (Malaysia).