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Hospital sale agreement confirmed

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Ashley Smyth

11 June 2024, 1:15 AM

Hospital sale agreement confirmedThe sale and purchase for Ōamaru Hospital is now unconditional. Photo: Cara Tipping Smith

All staff at Ōamaru Hospital have agreed to transfer their employment contracts to Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora.

This and confirmation of other conditions of a sale and purchase agreement between Waitaki District Health Services (WDHS) and Health NZ, means the transfer of ownership will go ahead on July 1.

A contract was finalised between the two parties, and as the sole shareholder of WDHS, the Waitaki District Council approved the agreement at the end of May. 

Health NZ will also purchase the hospital’s clinical equipment, stock, and take over licences, equipment operating leases and service agreements, in a deal worth approximately $3.25 million, plus $1m per annum for lease fees.

Council chief executive Alex Parmley thanked Health NZ, those in charge at WDHS, and “the hardworking and valued” hospital staff for their efforts to “ensure a seamless health service provision for the Waitaki District”.

Health NZ Southern operations group director Hamish Brown says the Waitaki community is fortunate to have such a dedicated team of healthcare professionals.

“We are delighted that all staff have accepted their offer of employment with Health NZ,” he says.

“Engagement has also started with local leaders on the Te Waka Hauora o Waitaki Health Futures project and we look forward to working with staff, service providers and the community to hear your ideas for the future on healthcare provision for the area.”