Staff Reporter
09 July 2024, 9:30 PM
Ōamaru’s foodbank has been restocked with the help of hundreds of tweens.
Ōamaru Intermediate School (OIS) held a week-long collection drive, producing 685 items for the foodbank.
OIS deputy principal Belinda Hirst says the collecting aimed to teach pupils “about giving back to our community”.
"We don't always see the whole picture of what is happening in someone's life. Many people in the community are struggling to provide the necessities for their families."
In winter, especially, when more money is spent to keep warm and dry, Belinda says.
“We were very humbled by the generosity of our community and whānau at OIS. They have certainly made a difference to many.”
Food was collected across a week, and was the fourth year the school has held the fundraiser.