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Ōamaru woman hoping to lift lid on menopause

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Ashley Smyth

01 July 2023, 6:30 PM

Ōamaru woman hoping to lift lid on menopauseLinda Direen wants to run support groups for women to help them through menopause. PHOTO: Ashley Smyth

An Ōamaru beauty therapist is wanting to make menopause less daunting for women . . . and a bit more pleasurable.

Linda Direen has piloted what she calls a “menopause support group”, and is now wanting to gauge demand for more of the same.

“I just wanted to do something for ladies, where they can come and talk about their experience for support, because it’s an area that we ladies are thrown into, confused and struggling.”

Having been in the beauty industry for more than 30 years, Linda has heard a lot of her clients talk about their health struggles as their years of monthly periods come to an end, but it was her own personal experiences which prompted her to look into it more deeply.

“When it hits you, you have no idea what’s going on.

“So the earlier we are aware of some of these things, the earlier we can look at them, and help. And knowledge is power.”

Linda is still juggling how the sessions, she has named Getting intimate with Menopause, are going to work.

“So I’ve got four main sessions, each with different topics, with symptoms and anatomy of particular parts, self-care and pleasure - I delve into pleasure toys, that side of it as well.

“Really getting women to feel good about themselves, because it’s a time where they can feel really crap - and get stuck in a hole and don’t know what to do. 

“So I really want to help these women to feel empowered without shame, guilt or any judgement, because it’s tough!”

She stocks pleasure toys at her beauty business, and is trying to remove the stigma around women using them as part of their wellbeing.

“I think ladies are quite enjoying it. I don’t mention it unless they do - it’s all about being respectful, really.”

Linda is adamant she wants to keep groups small and create a safe environment. 

Women would be reluctant to share with a bigger group, and she doesn’t want the sessions to be overwhelming.

“You’re just confused, and you don’t think - I mean menopause can start from 35, and it is a big shock, and it’s really hard to know what to do for ladies, as well - what pathways to take. 

“It’s just really talking to other ladies and not feeling so isolated.”

Linda has gained her knowledge through her own experience, talking to her doctor, a lot of reading, and taking part in workshops herself.

“I’m not prescribing anything, I’m not saying this is the way to do it - it’s by no means any of that kind of stuff, because I’m learning as well from what the ladies are talking about.”

Linda came to the idea of the sessions, after seeing a life coach. She had reached a stage where she couldn’t play sport anymore, was bored, and looking for something else.

She likes to help, and likes to share.

“I am a sharer, I believe sharing helps other people feel not so alone either, and as women we just kind of get on with it and suffer in silence.” 

Her pilot sessions had left her “fizzing” and the feedback has been positive. 

She sees her target market as women, particularly mothers, in their early 40s, who may have had traumatic births. 

“It’s quite interesting to know potentially the things they could be going into, and the things you can be aware of - because it does throw you, the things that can happen.”

She thought a group of girlfriends could book together, or people could book individually - depending on which they preferred. The sessions would be completely confidential, and it was incredibly important what was said in the room stayed in the room.

Linda is still trying to figure out where she wants to take things with the sessions, and at the moment is just testing the waters. 

“I’ve been in the beauty industry for 30-plus years, and have a fair bit of knowledge on women, and what they deal with, so this is just another different avenue.” 

Those wanting to know more, or express interest can email Linda at [email protected]