Local taxi and mail delivery service - mail delivered within 24 hours locally!
Local can do it better.
We handle all mail, local and national - Local mail picked up today is delivered tonight 7 days per week, national mail is delivered by our partner postal services, either DX Mail or NZ Post.
We can supply either postage paid envelopes with or without a business logo, or postage stamps.
Postage paid envelopes with a business logo will cost less than your current postage paid envelopes.
Both Whitestone Post and DX mail are looking at expanding our delivery areas to provide a better more cost effective service to the public.
We currently deliver mail in Waimate, Oamaru and Weston, and Palmerston. DX Mail deliver daily to most larger centres.
We also have machinery to handle printing and insertion of accounts, newsletters etc into envelopes. Our high speed ink jet printer can produce booklets and flyers to your specifications, at very reasonable prices.
Give us a call, or preferably send an email to find out how we can help you, AND save you money.
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