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Moa Bakery, Cakery - GARAGE SALE

Moa Bakery, Cakery - GARAGE SALE

Sat 06 Apr 2024, 10:00 AM - 1:00 AM

Moa Bakery, Cakery

Come along and fill your car with what was my stuff!

Kitchen things, some household things, some ingredients, some furniture, some freebies... all sorts of random (good) things.


Bring an empty vehicle to fill! Cash, EFTPOS, bank transfer, I'll take your money if you take my stuffs .

#WindingDown #MOABakery #MOABakeryCakery #ClearanceSale #GarageSale all sorts of random things :-)

Please note 11am start time (I have a final catering job to deliver earlier that morning).