Every Tuesday 5:30 AM-7:30 AM
Athies Girls
Pre-season training in the late summer heat
Running round in shorts it just can't be beat
Then all too soon the wind and rain come around
And they're splashing in puddles all over the ground
Athies girls are young (or young at heart)
And that's what really sets them apart
While some run around, so quickly they dart
Others use cunning to give them a head start
At the final whistle they love it when they've won
Then off the court they celebrate and have a bit of fun
With a de-brief at the pub and social nights to share
How can any other club ever really compare?
Athies girls are committed, they give it their all
They coach, they umpire, they make the call
They're Exec, they're reps, they organise us all
And they do it for the love of our game - Netball
OTHER INFORMATION Caters for primary age to adult.
Practice nights on Tuesday at either Taward Street Courts or the Rec Centre.
Pre-Season Sessions start 4th of March at 6pm.
Club drinks every week after last round of games at the Northstar Bar & Restaurant.